Madonna`s Not A Whore In The Mirror

Madonna`s Not A Whore In The Mirror

Madonna`s Not A Whore In The Mirror


Christianity is able to understand Islam although Moslems resist explanation, because their socio-economic history is at least as complex as the Grail legend, which is the belief that king Arthur and the knights of the round table represent a tradition that began when Joseph of Arimathea accepted the bowl Jesus ate and drank from at the `Last Supper` when he was the human host betrayed by his disciple, Judas, as a `dissident` to the Empire of Rome then occupying Jewish Palestine.

 Although Jesus was a Jew and so belonged to Jewish tradition as a putative Messiah, in the Koran (610-30 C.E.) of Islam he appears as Isa with his mother, the Virgin Miriam, as that part of the Judeo-Christian Bible, which is the New Testament of Jesus, and that follows the Old Testament of the Jews, that is, the Talmud and Torah of their history and law, and that partakes of the history of Moslem Islam. In the Old Testament story of Abraham and Sara, for instance, Sara becomes barren after the birth of Isaac, founder of Judaism, and Sara gives her maid, Hajer, to Abraham, and she bears Ishamael, who is the founder of Islam through his descendant, the Prophet Mohamed, who received the Koran dictated by the angelic host . In Islam marriages can have four wives, which is where Judeo-Christianity differs in its belief in monogamy, that is, Abraham and Sara, and Isaac, rather than polygamy, which is Abraham and Sara and Isaac, and Hajer and Ishmael.

 Although the angelic host are depicted as being present at the birth of Jesus in Christianity, the idea that the Prophet Mohamed received the Koran from the angelic host is met with skepticism, although the meaning is reconcilable. In Christian tradition the angel, Satan, was transformed into a serpent by God for rejecting God`s plan that the human host would be greater than the angelic host. In Islam the figure of Satan is called Iblis, a genius, rather than an angel, who refused to bow before Eve and Adam, the first man and woman, who lived in paradise, Eden. Although Iblis is depicted as powerless, but for his whisperings, his type of genius, Shaitan, are depicted in Islam as having free will, like the other types of genius, which is why the serpent, Satan, is represented in Eden as giving Eve and Adam the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, that is, death, whereas the pair had been told to `eat only of the fruit of the tree of life`, which is imortality. When God expelled Eve, and Adam from paradise, Eden, for disobedience, God told Eve her `seed` would have `enmity` with the serpent`s, but humanity would have Redemption, although first Adam must labor, while Eve would experience labor pain. Consequently, in Christian iconography Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, is depicted crushing the head of the serpent with her `foot`, because power through enslaving the human host womb in parasitism is what Eve and Adam accepted from Satan:


`You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5)


 The history of the Jews is of a people describing themselves as the `chosen people` who cannot be born unless from a woman, which suggests that women are Jews. Because futanarian women have penis` semen of their own they correspond to Mary`s `foot`, that is, sexual reproduction between women can produce the prainpower ncessary to defeat the serpent, Satan, which is why Mary is depicted crushing the head of the serpent with her `foot`, because Jesus born uncontaminated by male semen is her `foot`. Iblis didn`t bow before Eve and Adam, because he didn`t recognize Adam as the host, while Satan doesn`t accept God`s plan as he wants the angelic host to remain superior.



 Iblis and the other genius represent human intelligence, although they`re able to choose between good and evil which, according to the Koran, is their defining attribute. Because futanarian women are capable of reproducing human brainpower between themselves, they`re genius, which means that the myths of Islam and Christianity are reconcilable in Jesus` role as Mary`s `foot`, because his Resurrection and Ascension to heaven after death prefigures that of `woman`s seed` through sexual reproduction of the brainpower humanity needs to liberate itself from ephemerality in host womb slavery to parasitism, which is human extinction through death in the worship of Satan.

 Judas` betrayal of the human host, after the fashion of Satan, resulted in Jesus being taken to the hill of Calvary outside Jerusalem, where he died upon being nailed to a cross of wood and tortured there, before he had Resurrection and Ascension to heaven. Jesus` `Last Supper` bowl was known thereafter as the Holy Grail because, as the human host, Jesus had offered the disciples `bread and wine`, as symbols of the `body and blood` of the human host`s fellowship, which Judas had then betrayed, although the bowl remained as a symbol of the fellowship of the human host. Consequently, the bowl, that is, the Holy Grail, at the heart of the Christian quest of the knights of the British king, Arthur, is because fellowship is Jesus` teaching:


`Love your neigbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 32)


 However, because men are the `serpent`s seed` that wage war upon `woman`s seed` as her devourer, which is depicted in Revelation as the `red dragon`, the knights of king Arthur`s Holy Grail aren`t redeemed through conversion from the sin of host womb slavery in parasitism for war, and in acceptance of the human host, who is Jesus` human futanarian `foot` of God`s species of woman upon the Earth, `And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.` (Rev: 12. 17) For men the Holy Grail of `bread and wine` in fellowship with the human host, that is, the `body and blood` of `woman`s seed`, has been perverted into parasitoid devourings of the human host in warfare, while the word `fare` meaning `food`, has been perverted into the eating of God`s `foot` in the waging of `fare` war, that is, a war for consumptives, who`re dying for lack of brains.

 By the late 20th century the `incurable killer disease` of HIV/AIDS spread by men`s mixing of blood in each others` anus in mockery of human sexual reproduction was Satanism`s `biological warfare` against human brainpower. The Western democratic model was ancient `Greek`, where host womb slavery in homosexuality and pederasty, for the waging of war and its contagions, had been institutionalized. Consequently, Moslem Islam marriages` ratio of 80% women were democratically closer to the enfranchising of women that futanarian sexual reproduction represented, than the supposedly democratic model of the West, where women`s brains had been occluded in unconsciousness at least since the Hollywood, Babylon, `Hays code` (1930-67) banned women from raising their futanarian `foot` from the bedroom floor of the Earth to the planets and stars of heaven through their own brainpower:


`... women, in love scenes, at all times have `at least one foot on the floor` (in other words, no love scenes in bed).`1


 Los Angeles, California, on the West coast of the United States of America, was where director, D.W. Griffith, made the first Hollywood movie, Old California (1910), and thereafter Hollywood, Babylon, became globally renowned as the capital city of the movie industry. Babylon (c. 4000 B.C.) was the capital city of the Persian Empire, although Babylon is described as `a woman` in the Bible, because she represents `parasitoid` acceptance: `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) Although film actresses were likened to Babylon, `the great whore` of the apocalyptic Revelation of Jesus` disciple, John, which depicted a woman riding upon a beast that was worshipped, no one embraced the title more than the late 20th century pop music star and film actress, Madonna Ciccione, whose choice of name associated her with Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, who is `madonna` in Italian, while the mass media vilified Madonna Ciccione as a whore for the explicitness of the sexual themes in her music, video, art and film output:


`Madonna's motive for baring her breasts to the public feels more like personal gratification, less like commitment to a cause. She's not out to change the world. Let's face it: few people get erotic in front of millions of viewers for purely selfless political reasons. It's hard to escape the view of Madonna as a difficult Catholic adolescent aiming the finger at everything repressive.`2



 Madonna`s video pop music single release, `Like A Virgin` (1984), tried to empathize with Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, `Touched for the very first time. When your heart beats next to mine.`3 It was followed by `Like A Prayer`, `Oh God, I think I'm falling out of the sky; I close my eyes: Heaven, help me.`4 The themes belied the censure she received from the Catholic head of the Roman church, Pope John Paul II. Establishing a following, as Jesus had, Madonna`s love was `justified`, Hoping, praying for you to justify my love.`5 Because the women of `the beast` represent male braining in host womb slavery in parasitism for war, which women without their own futanarian human species` seed can`t fight, as they don`t have the brainpower, although they represent the disenfranchised human voting authority, to vote against economies kept on a war footing against God`s planned futanarian future. Consequently, Madonna wasn`t the `great whore`, although `the beast` upon which she rode was the male brained Empire of Hollywood, Babylon, which had adopted television, invented in 1929 by John Logie Baird, as a `small screen` upon which reruns of its socio-history of male braining could be shown. The whore was any woman in male braining that accepted host womb enslavement to pederasty for warfare, which was why `great whore upon the beast was worshipped in Satanism.



 As a parasite inveigling itself into the human host wombs of the futanarian species of women`s humanity, men`s theft of women`s penis` semen resulted in a single male brain wearing each others` clothes as men and women in transvestism, which is what the invention of `TV` meant for Hollywood, Babylon. By the early 21st century the Model T Ford automobile, first mass produced at the Henry Ford plant in Detroit, Michigan, had become a mobile `TV` that was a homosexual `beep` show featuring a motorist behind. Although Madonna was held as an icon by the `gay` community of lesbians and homosexuals, and sitting room `TV`, without the slave punishment treadmill of those pedaling electric chairs as automobile TVs, was a medium for `reruns` of Madonna`s films and pop single video releases, the term `gay` was `pc`, but it wasn`t `politically correct`. That lesbians were `gay`, because they were homosexual, wasn`t true. Lesbians were women with normal futanarian sexual orientation, whereas homosexual men were plague carriers:


`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores, but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)



 Because lesbians were normal futanarian women, what men admired in the mirror was a parasitoid definable as homosexual and for pederasty and war`s devouring of the human host it`d enslaved, whereas women`s lesbian feelings that they discovered in the mirrors of their dreams were normal human sexual desires for their own species` futanarian mode of reproducing brainpower for liberating its race through labor saving techologies and immortality conferring medical science. Consequently, Madonna`s Sex (1992) book,5 which was censored and critiziced for nudity, reflected women`s predicament in that they could simulate enjoying supposedly heterosexual intercourse, whereas futanarian women`s sexual intercourse with women was species` `edutainment` in terms of reproduction of brainpower for liberation, and heterosexual sex was `TV`. Madonna, in the mirror alone, isn`t a whore, but the product of millenia of male braining, and a woman alone with her mirror is an education, rather than an entertainment, for a woman who can know what she needs to.



 Madonna espouses `kabbalah`, which is a suppressed belief in Judaism that the world is a mirror in which the pieces of God can be found and put together. In Moslem Islam the `Ka Ba` is the temple of Abraham in Mecca built by Hajer, the Egyptian woman, and her son, Ishamel, whose descendant was the Prophet Mohamed, because `ka` is the word for `spirit` in the ancient Egyptian mythology of the Pharaohs, while `ba` is the word for `soul`, that is, women`s futanarian humanity has a spirit and soul, whose physical union is represented by the `Ka Ba`. Consequently, Madonna`s mirror is `kabbalah`, because she can see the piece that`s missing there. In Egyptian mythology, the sun god, Ra, is incarnated on Earth as Osiris, who is dismembered by his evil brother, Set. Although the goddess, Isis, puts the pieces of his body together, she can`t remember his penis. Fashioning a new penis from her spittle, she represents the male chauvinist myth of the woman remembering men through fellatio, whereas a futanarian woman has only to look at the nude pictures of women promulgated by the mass media `edutainment` industry to see what they`re missing in the mirror. When pop music star, Britney Spears` CD single cover, `Piece Of Me` (2007), was released with herself depicted in the place of Jesus crucified, few people could see which piece was missing, although the answer is in the mirror of any woman`s dreams:


`Guess I can't see the harm

In working and being a mama;

And with a kid on my arm

I'm still an exceptional earner:

And you want a piece of me?`6



 Pop divas and mothers, Britney Spears, and Christina Aguilera, were kissed by mother, Madonna, at the 2003 Music Television (MTV) Music Video Awards (MVAs) in New York City, `that kiss happened and the world exploded`,7 because in a world which has only the human futanarian women`s penis to sexually reproduce with, everyone`s a lesbian; unless they`re a normal `parasitoid`. In Moslem Islam, Isa, son of the virgin Miriam, doesn`t have Ascension to heaven through torture, death, Resurrection and Ascension, which is what occurred, according to Christianity. Moslems don`t believe that the slaving of ephemeral humanity in host womb parasitism to get humans to produce or invent something for someone else to steal is Salvation and Redemption, because human brainpower`s creation of labor saving devices through technological development is Salvation, that is, the saving of one`s labors for oneself, and Redemption is conversion from the sin of torture through brain transformation, which is metanoia, and acceptance of `woman`s seed` as the futanarian instrument of human sexual reproduction. Resurrection and Ascension is the acceptance of futanarian `woman`s seed` and women`s ascent to the planets and stars through human brainpower, whereas Moslem Islam doesn`t distinguish between paradise on Earth and amongst the planets and stars, that is, torturing the humans to produce in parasitoid capitalism isn`t Islamic, because the devoured can`t raise their `foot` even to Earth`s lunar satellite, the moon:


`One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.`8



 Women are more evolved, because they don`t want to be husbanded. Men aren`t a single generic species, as women are, but rather a parasitoid creature resembling a virus, which emerges from women`s human host womb to devour in warfare against `woman`s seed` the civilization, culture and art she`s perforce able to produce despite the parasitoid`s depredations. As a husbanded species that`s what women are for; war against herself. As a single generic human futanarian race women aren`t husbanded, which means they`re not farmed animals. In Christianity, Jesus is `the shepherd`, and the `sheep` are the Christians, whereas Satan is depicted as the `hornéd one`, because Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, is God`s `foot` upon the Earth, that is, women`s futanarian humanity, and so the `sheep` have a `shepherd` without a `hornéd one`, because the humans aren`t husbanded as animals. Without a son, the husbanders have got no one to kill the child.


1 .

2 Gilbert, Matthew, Boston Globe, October 10, 1982.

3 Steinberg, Billy and Tom Kelly, `Like A Prayer`, Madonna, Like A Virgin, Sire, 1984.

4 Madonna, Patrick Leonard, Like A Prayer, Madonna, Like A Prayer, Sire, 1989.

5 Madonna, Sex, Glenn O` Brien (ed.), photography, Steven Meisel Studio; film frames, Fabien Baron, October 21, 1992, Warner Books.

6 Chavez, Ingrid, Lenny Kravitz, Madonna, `Justify My Love`, Madonna, The Immaculate Collection, Sire, 1990.

7 Rudolph, Larry, in Elias Leight, `Exclusive: Britney Spears' Manager Tells the Story Behind the Infamous Madonna VMAs Kiss`, Billboard, October 17, 2014, 5:05 PM EDT, .

8 Armstrong, Neil July 21, 1969, UTC: 2. 56.